James G. Batterson, B.S. (Mathematics); M.S. (Physics) College of William & Mary. Mr.Batterson has taught high school physics and mathematics, worked as a scientificprogrammer for LTV Corporation, and, from 1980 until his retirement in 2008, was aresearch engineer at NASA Langley Research Center. At NASA he conducted flightresearch on the dynamics and control of aerospace vehicles, serving as Head of theDynamics and Control Branch and, later, as Deputy Director for Strategic Development. Hehas also served on a number of community boards, including the Newport News SchoolBoard and New Horizons Regional Education Center Board. While at NASA, he worked onassignments for the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National NanotechnologyCoordination Office, NASA Headquarters, and the Office of Virginia’s Secretary ofEducation. Upon retirement, Mr. Batterson became Senior Advisor to the Commonwealth forSTEM Initiatives in Governor Tim Kaine’s administration. There he led a project thatdeveloped the “21st Century Physics Flexbook – a Compilation of Contemporary andEmerging Technologies,” an open content, freely available, web-based resource, writtenmostly by, and for, high school physics teachers.