Behzad Raiszadeh, B.S. (Mechanical Engineering) University of Virginia, M.S. (Aerospace Engineering) George Washington University. Mr. Raiszadeh worked in private industry in the Washington D.C. area and Colorado Springs for ten years before joining NASA in 2000. At NASA, he was assigned to Atmospheric Flight and Entry Systems, a department responsible for the safe landing of missions to other planets. Mr. Raiszadeh was a flight dynamics engineer for the highly successful Mars Exploration Rovers (MER), helping construct the Entry, Descent, and Landing (EDL) simulations for the entire landing sequence. After the MER landings in 2004, Mr. Raiszadeh moved to the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) project; he was responsible for mission performance modeling, simulation, and analysis. In 2007, after leaving the MSL project, he joined the Ares I launch vehicle project and served as the element manager for the upper stage. Following the cancellation of the Constellation project and the Ares I launch vehicle, he joined NASA Langley’s Office of Education as the Modeling and Simulation Education Project Manager. There, he was responsible for the technical content of the “simulation-based engineering and science teacher professional development program.” Mr. Raiszadeh led the development of this FlexBook. He is responsible for the technical content of the FlexBook and has been the primary contact person with all the authors.